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Writer's pictureMajor Tom

I.R.L. Intimacy Retreat - March 31st 2023

Despite what our culture and society has led us to believe…

Sexual pleasure isn’t bad, wrong, or shameful

Pleasure is our birthright and the ultimate source of our creativity, power, and resiliency.

The probem is, most people’s relationship to sexuality has been tainted by sexual shame, contrived “shoulds” and “should nots,” and unhealthy social programming. Too many of us are disconnected from our bodies, ashamed of our desires, lonely, and depressed.

Many people were never taught how to listen to and communicate about their bodies. That can lead to:

  • People-pleasing

  • Going into freeze mode

  • Feeling ashamed of desires

  • Disconnecting or dissociating

  • Wondering if we’re broken

  • Not being able to say No or ask for what we want

  • Feeling trapped by “shoulds”

  • Compromising our values or engaging in risky behavior in order to get needs our met

Sexuality is a gateway to your soul

Sexuality is the most efficient and potent portal of healing and empowerment you can find. If you want to break out of limiting beliefs, feel more alive than ever before, and build a deeper connection to yourself and others, the IRL Intimacy Retreat is for you.

It’s time to get brave with your desires

Unlock the power of your pleasure at the IRL Intimacy Retreat

The IRL Intimacy Retreat is a play space. A growth space. A community space to discover true intimacy. We focus on joy and personal growth, while redefining ways of being in the body and relating to each other.

During the retreat, we will explore:

  • Pleasure-centered, consent-centered, and heart-centered communication

  • A wide range of ways to feel intimate connection

  • Practices to co-create relational agreements that work for you

  • Skills to create safety and repair in your relationships

Meet Your Permissionaries*

We get how important this work is — and how terrifying it can be to step into it. We’ve each had our own radical transformation fueled by the power of pleasure.

Hazel-Grace has a doctorate in Human Sexuality and is a Somatic Sex Educator, Trauma Informed Practitioner, and a Sex and Relationship Coach. She’s known for her authenticity, combining playfulness with emotional depth, and has facilitated over 100 sex-positive events across the US since 2010. Hazel-Grace’s purpose is to end global toxic sexual shame and exalt pleasure.

Major is an intimacy coach and community leader in conscious sexuality. Trained as an Authentic Relating facilitator, he utilizes Integral Theory for teaching different practices in acting, movement, and intimacy. He is known for his playfulness, humility as a leader, and raw-ass vulnerability.


If you’re on a journey of sexual exploration, you are welcome here.

If you are in the middle of a life transition like a career change, empty-nesting, or ending a relationship, you are welcome here.

If you are tired of how things have been and you’re not willing to tolerate it anymore, you are welcome here.

If reading about this retreat makes you a little uncomfortable, or nervous, you are especially welcome here.

Pleasure is for everyone–period. All we ask is that you arrive committed to your personal growth and ready to accelerate your sexual transformation in accordance with the values of the retreat:

Our Retreat Values

  • EMBODIMENT: We are here to explore the capacity to feel ourselves, feel each other, and feel the life around us.

  • RESPECT: Allow understanding for differing opinions, cultural norms, and life experiences.

  • PRESENCE: We are here to take part in this retreat with engagement, attention, and care.

  • INCLUSIVITY: This event is for people of all cultures, races, ages (18+), gender identities, body types, orientation, sexualities, abilities, and kinks.

  • CONSENT: We celebrate enthusiastic yes’s, no’s, and clear boundaries. We attend to each other’s needs to willingly, safely, and pleasurably engage in any and all interactions.

  • CONFIDENTIALITY: Any personal or identifying information shared within this container stays within this container.

  • PLEASURE: We want you to take away a deeper sense of being whole, happy, and satisfiable in your intimate expressions.

What last year’s participants are delighted about…

“I found new levels of sexual freedom in ways I had never experienced before. And, it felt surprisingly natural and easy! I think it has a lot to do with the level of safety I felt in the workshop container and how the facilitators held space for us. There was a lot of permission to be our own unique self, no matter what.”

“The difference this event made are immense! I now have direction in terms of my lost relationship with pleasure and loosening up the shame. I feel more confident, more at ease in my body, and more secure in general.”

“I have become a true stand for slowing down, looking closely at all aspects of myself before deciding whether I'm a Yes or No to anything or anyone”

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